Friday 21 June 2024

privacy policy




 When you use my applications, you trust me with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data I collect and why I need it. This is important; I hope you will take time to read it carefully. I have tried to keep it as simple as possible. 


Collect Device Information


 I use Google Analytics to collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, mobile network information, and general location information). This information is used only for improving how I know about user experience in order to make better applications. 


Needed Location Information

 In some of my applications, I need a GPS to turned on so that one of the feature work properly. But I not collect your location information with detail to my server. I just collect your general location to Google Analytics, like your city or country. For I know about the location of the users who installed my applications. 


Needed Call Information


 In some of my applications, I need call status in your device so that one of the feature work properly. This is used for applications that there a music player, I need it in order to when there is a incoming call arrive in your device, then the music player can stopped, you can enjoy receive a incoming call.


 Needed Access Microphone 


In some of my applications, I need to access microphone in your device so that one of the feature work properly. This is used for applications that there a recorder feature. You must know, I not collect the result files of your recording to my server.


 Needed Access Storage


 In some of my applications, I need to access storage in your device so that one of the feature work properly. This is used for applications that there a downloader, I need it in order to you can downloading files of application needs from my server to your storage. So that the feature can accessed with offline. You must know, nothing of my applications that steal data from storage in user device to my server